Stereotype presentation in Influx

About Stereotype

The second sharing session in the convergence run.


The theme of this sharing is Stereotype, inspired by a shared theme of the English Corner, which talks about the influence of Stereotype on people’s lives, and what kind of attitude we should use to face and deal with the impact of it, give me A great inspiration.


What is a stereotype

In social psychology, a stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular category of people. Stereotypes are generalized because one assumes that the stereotype is true for each individual person in the category.

The impact On Life

Directly judge some nouns/a class of people

  • Middle-aged Men
  • People with tattoos
  • Programmer

What kinds of stereotypes do you have of them?

Any way, I believe many people will immediately associate many bad adjectives. But have you ever thought that we often just remember their embarrassing side and never remember the side that they should be respected for?

For example:

People often think that middle-aged men are, greasy, lazy, love to preach. But Have you ever thought about that some of these people are already fathers, Some are the backbone of the company. In addition to supporting the family, they must continue to develop.

Author: Carp Choi
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